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N.C. Education Lottery receives two national finance awards

November 14, 2023 Posted by NC Lottery at 9:30 AM

The N.C. Education Lottery has received recognition for producing and sharing comprehensive and easy to understand information on its finances.

The recognition comes from two awards from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for clearly communicating the lottery’s financial story. The lottery received:

  • A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for fiscal year 2022. The 100-page report provides a detailed look at the revenues, assets and expenses of the lottery.
  • An Award for Outstanding Achievement for its Popular Annual Financial Report for fiscal year 2022. The eight-page report provides an overview of the lottery’s financial condition and an analysis of how money is raised and how those dollars are spent.

The Certificate of Achievement, established in 1945, recognizes the “spirit of full disclosure” of the lottery’s report. It is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. The Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Report goes to governmental agencies which meet the highest standards for preparation of state and local government reports, including creativity, presentation, understandability, and reader appeal.

The Chicago-based association presents the awards annually as part of its mission to advance excellence in government finance. It serves approximately 21,000 government finance professionals.

For more information about the lottery’s finances, click on the “Corporate Social Responsibility” section of the lottery’s website. Both of the lottery’s award-winning financial reports can be obtained there.


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1/10/2024 05:09 - Porfirio D.

They should get a third awards for the online instant games. Whoever did the coding is a thief. The x multipliers are for show. If you don't hit anything you will see the, but if you hit they don't come up at all. Even if is a small amount like a dollar x2, Nothing. I play from .50 to 30 dollars draw and nothing all I manage to do is get hopeless. I now its gambling but not even on the free mode.NC Lottery
Hi, Porfirio! The odds on both Demo Mode and Money Mode for each game are the same - there wouldn't be a change in odds depending on which version you're playing! All of our games undergo audits to ensure odds are as described. It's important to remember that with playing the lottery, there is only a chance of winning - never a guarantee - so it's important to play for fun knowing it takes luck to win a prize!

12/26/2023 10:16 - Lilly A.

trust the lottery, the only comment on the people who figured out that the statistics don't add up, they are frauds and I feel bad for all the poor people affected by the NC lottery. They are greedy and just want to build new schools. They make more than a million dollars a day or more and yet give so little for those who win. Its sad.

11/16/2023 07:30 - Roger K.

I've noticed that other states have the double play on powerball. Will NC get the double play action? After powerball is drawn, there is another drawing for double play.NC Lottery
Hi, Roger! At this time, we don't have set plans to add Powerball Double Play to our lineup, but that doesn't mean it can't happen one day. The folks in charge of those decisions read comments like these to help determine what we can offer for our players in the future, so the future is full of possibilities!

11/16/2023 03:26 - James R.

They should skip the whole "education" thing entirely- all kids need to know is MONEY. They need A LOT OF IT. They should just pay out more.

11/15/2023 12:01 - Douglas H.

Congratulations!! Question. I can play regular online games but it’s not letting us play the new digital games saying location unknown but we can play all the other games. Thanks :-)NC Lottery
Hey there, Douglas! Sorry about that - we had an issue with our geolocate feature affecting some players earlier today, but it should be working now. Please let us know if you're still experiencing this issue!

11/15/2023 09:15 - NC Lottery

Hey there, @Suzanne S! 100% of our profits go to education - last year, we raised over $929 million for education in NC! However, the statewide education budget is $15 billion. So while the funds we raise make a difference, they will never be able to cover every need. You can see reports on how the money is used, including a county-specific breakdown of funding, on our website here: https://nclottery.com/educaion.

11/15/2023 05:57 - Suzanne S.

Hi, It is very nice that you received such a high accolade for your financial reporting. I'm glad it is easy for me to read the annual financial report, which, I intend on reading and sharing. My friends and I always wonder where all this "educational" lottery money is spent. When I think that Durham passed a $500 million bond, that's half a billion dollars, for education in just Durham County alone, I wonder where does all that "educational" money go. Also, please relocate the new "winning numbers" side tab elsewhere on the page. All other tabs are at the top so why put this tab on the side? Hummm.

11/15/2023 02:37 - Teresa G.


11/15/2023 12:38 - Deborah D.

Wow! What a great award...well done! Yay! Congratulations!

11/14/2023 10:24 - DONALD S.

The screens in the app were working fine. I think you’re going to get a lot of negative feedback from players. It seems like somebody was just trying to justify their job. if it’s not broke, don’t fix it dang

11/14/2023 09:13 - Cecil W.

Why did you all screw up the graphics ??? I'm NOW Clicking 3 times more on your web page to play any game !!! Put it back to the simple graphics !!!!!

11/14/2023 07:20 - MICHAEL B.

Congratulations on your Outstanding Achievement

11/14/2023 06:26 - James J.

App was working great, now it's a mess. Uninstalled. I will use the use the website it still works for me. What happened?NC Lottery
Hi, James! We're sorry to hear you aren't a fan of the new changes to the site and app - we made these to prepare for our new Online Play experience!

11/14/2023 04:45 - Sherley C.


11/14/2023 04:22 - Sarah J.

Just love playing the Lottery.

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