A new website and new lottery app provide the platforms for you to give the new digital instants a go and you might be wondering the best way to navigate them to play.
Since these new lottery instant win games are played exclusively online on the lottery’s website and NC Lottery Official Mobile App, this helpful video explains how to play digital instants on the updated mobile app:
As the video discussed, you can sign up to play on either the website or app and, after depositing your funds, start having fun with the new games. Just click the menu button in the top left corner of the app, hit digital instants, and away you go. Make sure you try out Demo Mode to get a feel for how the game works before switching over to Money Mode to play for real.
If you win a prize, you don’t even have to go in to a store or claim center unless you win $100,000 or more. The funds will appear directly in your account after you completely the claims process online.
We will have more updates for you soon so keep checking our website and social media channels for all your digital instants news.
Enjoy this fun new way to win!
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Trying to play digital game I live in nc and it keep saying no location what can I do