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Carteret County man collects $324,439 jackpot win

January 4, 2024 Posted by NC Lottery at 1:23 PM

Newport resident Charles Brooks took a chance on a $5 Fast Play ticket and won a $324,439 jackpot.

Brooks bought his lucky 20X The Cash ticket from Jim Dandy on U.S. 70 in Morehead City on Dec. 30.

At the time of his purchase, the jackpot stood at $648,878. Since Brooks bought a $5 ticket, he received 50% of the progressive jackpot.

He arrived Wednesday to collect his prize and, after required state and federal tax withholdings, took home $231,975.

Fast Play features an instantly growing jackpot that increases with every ticket sold until it is won. As of Thursday afternoon, the Fast Play jackpot stands at $160,000 and counting.

Carteret County received $14.9 million in grants, using money raised by the lottery, to help with school construction. For details on other ways Carteret County benefits from lottery funds, visit www.nclottery.com and click on the “Impact” section.


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1/07/2024 10:09 - Carol D.

CONGRATULATIONS ! I can't help but wonder, why do they put your last name ? That could lead to potential problems. I know I would be scared if they did that to me. I guess I would hire security with some of my winnings lol Just saying. Stay safe ! Best of wishes to you.NC Lottery
Hi, Carol! North Carolina public information laws require that a big winner's (any winner over $5,000) name, hometown, game played, and amount won is public information - anything else a player wishes to share is up to them, though!

1/07/2024 11:46 - Anita A.


1/06/2024 10:21 - Corey G.

NICE!!!! From my hometown... Way to go

1/05/2024 10:53 - William A.

It’s the store where Hwy70 and 24 come together beside the Sonic. These games are hard to win. I live in Carteret county and it the second big fast play win.

1/05/2024 10:17 - Vivian p.

Congratulations Charles. Enjoy your Winnings. Happy Holidays

1/05/2024 06:20 - Sandra S.


1/05/2024 12:38 - hazel h.

Congratulations ??

1/05/2024 08:42 - CRAIG R. M.

This store has been closed for renovations for about two weeks.

1/05/2024 06:54 - Joe S.

Congratulations from Charlotte! :)

1/04/2024 09:19 - Charles G.

All big win tickets are in certain small towns

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