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Fayetteville man scratches off $500,000 win

February 20, 2024 Posted by NC Lottery at 10:20 AM

James Battle of Fayetteville took a chance on a $10 scratch-off and won a $500,000 prize.

Battle bought his lucky $10 Double Diamond Cashword ticket from the Harris Teeter on Raeford Road in Fayetteville.

He arrived at lottery headquarters Monday to collect his prize and, after required state and federal tax withholdings, took home $357,503.

The Double Diamond Cashword game debuted in April with four $500,000 top prizes. One $500,000 prize remains to be claimed.


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2/26/2024 09:53 - Sabrina D S.


2/26/2024 11:53 - joanie m.

Congratulations James

2/25/2024 01:08 - shirley b.

Quads and trip triggers but no trips or quads. NC gaming system must be different.

2/24/2024 01:14 - shirley b.

NCEL This is ridiculous now. Quads and trips dropping everywhere but NC. Where is the competition?

2/22/2024 01:22 - Daniel J.

Send us a jackpot winner to Lexington.

2/22/2024 03:21 - Joe S.

Congratulations from Charlotte! :)

2/21/2024 08:36 - MARY M.


2/21/2024 08:16 - Laura S.

Congratulations ??

2/21/2024 08:08 - Berry B.

Congratulations to you Sir!

2/21/2024 02:38 - Anita A.

Congrats ??

2/21/2024 01:09 - Douglas H.

We’ve always enjoyed the crossword games. Thats a fantastic win. Congratulations:-)

2/21/2024 08:35 - Amy G.

Congratulations James!!

2/21/2024 06:29 - Mark Z.


2/21/2024 03:44 - Patrice G.

After the required withholdings does one have to then claim the bring home in next years taxes? In case I ever win...NC Lottery
Hi, Patrice! We only withhold the minimum required about (4.5% for NC taxes on prizes over $599, and 24% for federal taxes on prizes over $5,000). However, an individual's tax obligation may be more - so we recommend checking with a financial advisor after a big win!

2/21/2024 02:16 - shirley b.

NCEL where is doubleDraW?NC Lottery
Hey there, Shirley! Double Draw will be coming back soon - stay tuned for more info!

2/20/2024 10:22 - Dorine S.

I wish that was me wining the lottery.

2/20/2024 10:10 - Vivian p.

Congratulations James on your Winnings. Enjoy

2/20/2024 09:03 - LISA J.

Congratulations from Greenville,NC!!

2/20/2024 03:56 - DONALD S.

Isn’t the military base right outside of Fayetteville?NC Lottery
Hi, Donald! Fort Liberty, previously called Fort Bragg, is located near Fayetteville.

2/20/2024 11:29 - patricia g.


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